In today’s fitness scene, Rowen is known for her dynamic, uplifting and body embracing teaching style. As a global Nike Trainer, and former SoulCycle instructor, she has been teaching classes on- and off the bike around the world. During class, Rowen focuses on building a strong body and mind connection through physical and mindful guidance. Each of her classes is designed to learn to embrace your uniqueness—finding a deeper understanding and appreciation for the body and mind.

Claritas Essentiae:
Leef je essentie
Mijn naam is Hyacintha en het is mijn passie en missie om mensen terug naar hun essentie en verbinding met de Bron te begeleiden. Daarom heet mijn praktijk ‘Claritas Essentiae’. Dat is Latijn voor ‘Heldere Essentie’, ‘Helderheid over je Essentie’ en ook ‘Essentiële Helderheid’.
Dit doe ik door mijn healing-werk (1 op 1 of met groepen), webinars, meditaties en trainingen.

LOFT 231
Welcome to Loft 231.
Are you looking for a space to share your concept, classes, workshops, photoshoots, you name it, this is the right spot!
With its incredible natural lighting, the Loft has a warm yet clean look and feel. The entire space, including enterance/meeting area, is 100m2. The main area (8 large windows + brick wall) is 56m2. Both areas are connected as one open space.
- The Loft offers block-out blinds on each window for photoshoots, videography or events who wish to block daylight.
- For events such as workshops (mainly seated) we suggest a max. capacity of 35-40 people.
- For movement classes such as Yoga & Pilates, we suggest a max. capacity of 12-15 mats.