Ik coach groepen van 10 tot 20 deelnemers op een unieke lokatie in Amsterdam. De coachings zijn over het algemeen in de Engelse taal om het zo toegankelijk mogelijk te maken voor iedereen en zoveel mogelijk mensen te verbinden. De diverse onderwerpen zijn hieronder aangegeven. De coachings duren tussen de 1,5 en 2,5 uur.
Agenda op deze pagina of op aanvraag, ook in het Nederlands.
I host groupcoachings for 10 to 20 participants at an unique location in Amsterdam. Available in both Dutch and English to make it more accessible and connect as many people as possible that are interested in exploring and developing what defines them and what holds them back to follow their hearts.
The duration of the coachings varies from 1,5 to 2,5 hours.
Schedule on this page or on request.

- Meeting your future self
Meet and embrace that optimal version of ourselves
- Releasing and clearing personal contracts that no longer serve you
Free yourself from limiting believes
- Why are you here? (on earth)
Purpose, drive, essence
- Exploring your bodies messages
What is it telling me and how is it talking to me
- Follow your heart
Connecting and reacquainting
- Raising your frequency
Awareness / Exercises
- Inner light and strength
Exploring and Acknowledging
Foto's by Pitaroproductions

Previous event: Groupcoaching followed by visionboard making
with Rowen Aida, Elevate